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Here we go again

I am sure we have all been there; you put lots of effort into creating something, a book, blog, piece of jewellery, etc, thinking that it will be so great if it can take off, make lots of money and also reach people who would enjoy what you have to offer.

So you create and create, and create, and create even more. Put on your best dress, and throw yourself out there.

Well, let's not talk about the criticism and likes. First, we have to talk about the nice 'egg' in front of you. 0 views, 0 humans. Here, there is a saying that the first egg is always hardest to crack. As in, the first sale of the day is the hardest. Think positive, don't give up, you can't give in to the search algorithms of Google. Write SEOs, add more interesting tags, create more, spend more on ads...

Yes, write (zzzzZ) create Zzz.

It's a very, very disheartening world. So much so that you wonder, why the hell are you doing this to yourself. Sure, ask any successful media influencer and they will tell you it was a long, tedious journey to reach where they are, and if you do not have the stamina, dedication and time, well, don't try.

However, there are the 0.001% who somehow pressed the right buttons at the right time and the world gave them a VIP ticket to fame and fortune. Seriously, I don't think it's an algorithm that even the most talented psychic can teach. It's just like getting a golden ticket to the chocolate factory.

So, you throw everything into the closet, shut the doors and let it be buried in layers of dust. Even then, the data do exist. If the universe could write search algorithms humans would easily find the work online, and Amazon would pleasantly surprise you with a check of $100,000.

Yes. If only.

And that is how this was laid to rest. Buried within the trillions of 1s and 0s, with close to no hope of resurrection. Life moved on with 2x Covid, two booster jabs, being rudely awaken, wandering around dimensions fighting with brings unseen, and me believing I have truly became psychotic.

Well, there is a very fine line between psychosis and psychic abilities, no? It really just depends on how you use the knowledge, or gift. For example, after the whole awakening ordeal, I find myself able to communicate with crystals. The spirituality community finds this intriguing, calling me a crystal child, star seed, etc. The medical community asked me if I had continue taking my medications as prescribed, and I should come back more often for consults.

What do you think?

I think it's both. We know that the human psyche is fragile. Alot of times thoughts run through our minds and we have no idea where the hell they come from. For me, it depends very much what you do with the information you have. Some crystals talk to me and others don't. Many of them tell me when they feel some one close their vibration is nearby. If they were pre-owned, they would tell me how they were treated, etc. They tell me what they saw in their millions of years in a cave somewhere, tell me their feelings, and well, it's like being a child talking to their imaginary friend, except that the friend is a lump of crystal.

I don't go around telling people crystals are talking to me. I have learnt that when a customer asks, "Why should I buy this crystal?" or "Why am I attracted to this crystal?", and replying in a matter a fact voice, "Because the crystal told me so." it makes people think you are

a fraud

of mentally unsound mind

belittling them

I mean, I'm not a seller. I just state the facts as facts.

Anyways, long story short, I was told I should share my voice with the people of the world. I have a unique way of making stale messages fun, it seems. I have lots of valuable information in my brain that would definitely help the evolution of this planet, it seems.

Right. Okay. Whatever.

I wasn't very keen on restarting this whole project of writing anything to be honest. Not when I gave it my all and saw an egg as a reward. So our dear universe had decided to place a few "incentives".

"Hi Yusei, if you don't do this we will screw you over ten-fold, not that we haven't screwed you over five-fold already to get you to consider this seriously. Oh yea, well, the last time was a warm up (what the hell? my best efforts was a warm up?!?!?!), this time, the universe has got your back. Trust in the universe will definitely provide this time round . *smiley face*"

Seriously, how is that an incentive? *face palm*

You can't see the rewards before you start, but you sure can feel the pinch before it starts! So here we are, again.