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Alien. Artist. Creator. Cat Lover. Crystal child. Crystal Healer. Psychic. Writer.

Yusei Amagi was born in the 1980s in Singapore. She spent all of her childhood and tweens in whirlwind of instability, insanity and meltdowns. Though she knew that there was something 'off' with her, she did not seek professional help until age 29, when she finally realised that her brain is too proud to let her fall into insanity even though the screams were overwhelming her mind. Though not much has changed in her life since, she is much calmer, have less meltdowns and armed with full knowledge of her condition and with the help of medication is able to somewhat move on with life with less angst and confusion, and advocates for persons with mental illness to not take matters to their own hands but rather seek professional help.

In 2022 her life was once again turned upside down, and she suspected she was turning schizophrenic. To make the situation seems less alarming, she had convinced herself that the voices are actually that of a higher being, and was going through an awakening.

Since then she had been labelled a crystal child, as she can hear the whispering voices of crystals and is in tuned with its frequencies. She is also labelled as star child, star seed, old soul; basically any metaphysical label you can think of, she's it.  

In the latest development, she had rediscovered her gift of claircognizant, prophetic dreams, and a healer. Though she's now highly gifted and many believe she's living too much in the 5D, the reality is that she is extremely grounded, and would advice anyone to first ensure that they are not going crazy before convincing themselves that they are awakening. 

Apart from sharing her knowledge and experiences, she is now into crystals, and shuffles tarots for fun and money.

And she loves cats.